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Classification of Medieval and Renaissance Swords

Posted by MRL on Feb 25th 2019

Swords in the Middle Ages and other historical periods were most likely just called "swords." There were no names given to them. Over time, however, historians began to associate the blades with specific names resulting in their present-day nomenclature.So, how many types of swords were there?It's difficult to answer that with any certainty. What we will do in this blog is differentiate popular European medieval and Renaissance swords in terms of...
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Sword Collecting Tips for the Beginner

Posted by MRL on Jan 22nd 2019

Starting a sword collection is like collecting timeless artifacts. Swords are a big deal. These are weapons that have influenced countless historical battles and played a large role in shaping the world we know today. If you want to start a sword collection and stumble across an irresistible original blade and have the means to buy it, great! However, if money is a constraint, there are still some amazing replicas in the market to get you started...
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Ulfberht Swords – Far Beyond their Time

Posted by MRL on Aug 13th 2018

The Ulfberht sword is the most celebrated of all Viking blades. During the Viking Age, an Ulfberht sword was a symbol of wealth and status besides being a formidable tool of war. Produced extensively in the period 800-1000 AD, the Ulfberht was centuries ahead of its time. It was made from a type of "pure" steel, which would not be seen on the continent for almost the next 800 years.What made them special?Thousands of Viking swords have been found...
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