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Swords we’re excited about in 2019

Posted by MRL on Jun 21st 2019

Fortunately, if you're a sword lover, the beautiful, brutal at times and elegant sword is still readily available. Whether you enjoy just looking at them and handling them from time to time or fighting, we seem to have an innate desire for sharp pointy thingsThis year's offerings are no exception and keep us engaged and excited about not only the swords, but their makers. A skilled smith can truly turn metal into a work of functional art. We incl...
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Top 15 Deadly Swords in the History

Posted by MRL on Jun 18th 2019

Top 15 Deadly Swords in the History
It’s no secret that since Man had the ability to shape stone and metal starting thousands of years ago, they’ve also been slashing, stabbing, hitting, and basically wreaking havoc on each other ever since. When did the first knife fight break out? When the second blade was created. Over the centuries, the longer version, swords have become the best option for the battlefield and many have a fearsome reputation. It wasn’t unusual for a...
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Renaissance Sword Types - the complete guide

Posted by MRL on Apr 30th 2019

The Renaissance is timed differently depending on the country, but generally saw similar advancements in warfare and weapons. The 1400's to 1500's saw military technology which both provided unheard of protections with the addition of plate mail to chain, but also saw ways to get passed those defenses. Hand-to-hand battles were beginning to be replaced with more remote and devastating technology which could do more damage from afar. Artillery and...
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