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Roman Army Pay

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

From about 100 BC onwards, Legionaries received the sum of 225 denarii a year for their service. (The denarius was a silver coin with a weight of approx. 4.5 grams. Its initial value was put at 10 asses, yep asses, giving the denarius its name which translates to "containing ten".) This basic rate remained unchanged for many years until Domitian increased it to 300 denarii. There was no further rise until the time of Septimius Severus, who increa...
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Life as a Roman Soldier

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

To create their highly effective fighting units, training was harsh for the Roman soldier. This helped to instill a group unity, however the military discipline of the legions could be quite brutal. Regulations were strictly enforced, and many punishments could be inflicted upon a legionary who broke them. From being flayed to fewer rations, even threats to the family at home. As a result of this demanding lifestyle many legionaries became devote...
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Weapons of the Romans

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

As for their sidearm, the Roman soldier was never far from his trusty short sword, the gladius (500360). The gladius was normally worn on a baldric (200368) and slung over the shoulder to hang across the body on the opposite hip. History shows us most were worn on the right hip for a pull draw as opposed to a cross draw as this type of draw was impeded by the scutum. There were several patterns of gladius and it was not unusual for mixed types to...
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