Life as a Roman Soldier
Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006
To create their highly effective fighting units, training was harsh for the Roman soldier. This helped to instill a group unity, however the military discipline of the legions could be quite brutal. Regulations were strictly enforced, and many punishments could be inflicted upon a legionary who broke them. From being flayed to fewer rations, even threats to the family at home. As a result of this demanding lifestyle many legionaries became devote...
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Viking History
Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006
Oh lord, deliver us from the NorthmenThe first thing that seems to come up with Vikings is the name itself. One should note that the term Viking is actually a Nordic term for the act of going on a raid and was never used to name a particular people. It referred to all Scandinavians and what they did, not who they were. But regardless of what country they were from, if you were from England (one of the easiest places to get to for raiders) they we...
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Viking Beliefs
Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006
The Norse fearless nature may have arisen from their belief that a glorious death which involved battle with sword in hand would ensure their place in paradise. But this was not all the Norse went Viking for. They settled in the new lands they explored. More accurate they employed a raid & trade philosophy, for they settled many areas with little fighting and created great business relationships. In fact Dublin, Ireland was first established as a...
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